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Secondary 5 Weight Training Option Course

Assignments below are for Sec. 5 students

who are registered in the Weight Training Option Course

taught by Mr. Chan and Ms. Merrifield.

REMINDER: It is your responsibility to contact your teacher through email or Teams if you have any questions regarding the workouts or assignments

At-Home Workouts

   May 21:          21-15-9 FOR TIME


You will perform 21 reps of each exercise, then 15 reps and then 9. You cannot      perform all repetitions of an exercise in one shot. You must follow the format provided (you have seen similar formats in class warm-ups). Start the timer before your first air squat, and stop the time after your final sit-up. Rest as needed, but try to keep your breaks short (5-10 seconds). The timer does not stop during rest periods. 

Please report which option you completed along with your time to

your teacher on Teams.


Option A: No Equipment                  Option B: 1 Db/Kb                    Option C: Set of Dbs

         Air Squats                                    Goblet Squat                   Db Squat (Front rack or suitcase)

         Pushups                                       Push-ups                                       Push-ups 

         Superman                                    Superman                                  Bent over row

         Sit-ups                                             Sit-ups                                       Sit-ups



May 28:          ROUNDS FOR TIME


Following the format below, start the timer before your first jog, skip or bike and stop the time after your final burpee.  The timer does not stop during rest periods.  Report your time to your teacher on Teams.


3 Rounds:

  • 2 min jog, skip or bike 

  • 30 lunges (walking, stationary or reverse)

  • 30 sit-ups, v-sits. crunches or hollow rock 


* Rest 3 minutes after completing 3 rounds.


2 rounds:

  • 2 min jog, skip or bike

  • 20 air squats

  • 20 pushups


*Rest 3 minutes after completing 2 rounds.


1 round:

  • 2 min jog, skip or bike

  • 10 jump squats

  • 10 burpees



June 4:         3x 4min AMRAP   *WITH 2 MINS OF REST BETWEEN AMRAPS


Select a workout from the options below based on the equipment you have at home. The format of this week's workout is an AMRAP (as many reps as possible) which means you will complete the circuit as many times as you can in a 4 minute window. At the end of the 4 minutes, you will take two minutes of rest before starting the next 4 min AMRAP of the same exercises again (in the same order).

You must have a running timer to keep track of both your work periods and rest periods. Your score is the total number of rounds + reps completed per round. 


    Option A: No equipment                  Option B: 1 Db/Kb                       Option C: Set of Dbs

            20 Air Squats                             15 Goblet Squat                        15 Front Rack Squat

               10 V-sits                                10 Weighted Sit-ups                   10 Weighted Sit-ups                 10 Reverse Lunges                      10 Weighted Step Up                10 Weighted Step Up OR

                                                                                                                10 Box Jumps (no weight!)  

June 11th:  12 min EMOM        30 secs on/30 secs off       (Every Minute On the Minute)

In this workout you will need a timer and will always have 30 secs of work and 30 secs of rest each minute. Select a workout from the options below based on the equipment you have at home. 

Starting at 0:00 you will perform 30 seconds of the first movement and immediately take 30 secs of rest. At 1:00 on the timer you will perform 30 seconds of the second movement followed immediately by 30 secs of rest. You will then repeat this same "super set" for 12 minutes total.

Please click on the exercise for a demonstration if you need it. 


Option A: No equipment                Option B: 1 Db/Kb                  Option C: Set of Dbs

 Min 0 -  Squat Jumps              Min 0 - Burpee over Db           Min 0 - Jumping Lunges     Min 1 - H-R Pushups                 Min 1 - Db Pull Across           Min 1 - Shoulder Complex

June 17th:         4 rounds for time with 1:00 rest between rounds.

Choose the Option from below that works best for you. Complete 1 round and then take 1:00 of rest, complete a second round and then 1:00 of rest etc until you have completed 4 rounds total. 

You need to report your final time to your teacher (including the rest time).

Click on the exercise for a demo video if needed. 


Option A: No equipment                  Option B: 1 Db/Kb                      Option C: Set of Dbs

         10 Burpees                     10 Burpees with Alt. Deadlift.             8 Burpee Deadlifts

         20 Air Squats                           20 Goblet Squats                        20 Suitcase Squats

Written Assignments for at-risk students

Assignment #1: Due April 26th

Create two warm-ups in preparation for a full-body workout. The warm-ups must be approximately 5 minutes in length and can only use bodyweight exercises. You choose the exercises as well as the repetitions/length. Keep in mind that your warm-up can be done indoors or outdoors. You must submit a written copy of your warm-up (exercises, format, etc) by email to your teacher. 

Assignments #2: Due May 10th

This assignment will require you to be a little creative :)

We will first ask you choose a piece of weight training equipment OR a household object in which you can use instead.  Some examples are: a weighted backpack or duffle bag, a jug of windshield washer fluid or detergent, or even a bag of top soil or potatoes! Please keep in mind this are simply ideas, as you may have access to something that works better for you. 

Once you have chosen your piece of equipment you will need to select 3 exercises to present: One upper body, one lower body and one abdominal exercise. 

The assignment is to be submitted in a video format where you explain and demonstrate each of your three exercises. 

Key points to present:

- Thoroughly EXPLAIN the technique using proper and helpful cues (including breathing)

- Identify the primary muscles being used 

- demonstrate the exercises with multiple repetitions


*Please note: The file will most likely be too large to send over email. During Term 2, many students posted their video on YouTube and sent their teacher the link. 

Assignment #3: Due June 3rd

Using the template we have emailed, you will create a basic sample weight training program. The program must involve exercises you are familiar with and hit all 8 major muscles from class "The Elite 8". You will be required to fill in the columns (found below) in your program. The assignment can be submitted on Teams or by email to your teacher.


  • Name of Exercise - proper name

  • Primary Muscle - proper anatomical name

  • Equipment Used - what equipment is used for this exercise

  • Sets x Reps - properly identify the appropriate sets and reps for building general strength

Assignment #4:  Due June 12th

This assignment cannot be completed until you have submitted Assignment #3 and approved by your teacher.

 Using the program you have created at home, you will

a) select 4 exercises to create 2 types of super sets. We experimented in class with three different types of super setting so please use your notes to help you make your selection. 

b) Select one exercise to modify to having an isometric hold.

You will make this modification directly on the document by changing the order the exercises appear and highlighting the super set exercises. Please make these changes easily identifiable by highlighting them on your program. 


Assignment #5: Due June 17

Watch the video and identify the following:

1) The proper name of the exercise including the type of equipment used.

2) Provide an example of another piece of equipment that could be used for this same exercise.

3) During this movement, when does an individual inhale and exhale?

4) Identify the tempo of the movement (check your notes!)

5) Identify the eccentric, isometric and concentric phase of the movement.

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